Message from the Director

One Year Since We Opened
The Kobe Proton Center opened in December 2017, and we have succeeded in seen through our first year while accumulating experience in a steady series of cases. During this period we have received many visitors and guests, including the premier of Western Australia and his retinue, the Japanese Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions, the Kansai Junior Radiation Oncology Group, the Hyogo Particle Therapy Study Group, and pediatric-cancer patient organizations. In particular, we were honored to welcome the Crown Prince and Princess on August 4. On September 15 we were also able to hold a educational seminar on pediatric cancer for the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology that enjoyed attendance by many physicians.
The use of proton beam therapy in advanced treatment and medical-care services provided by health insurance became possible starting in March, and we are also conducting pediatric cancer treatment at a favorable pace. We can provide problem-free treatment even to pediatric patients who require sedation. For tumors in adults as well, we are providing treatment for prostate cancer, bone and soft-tissue tumors, head and neck cancers, lung cancer, liver cancer, and others.
We have also deepened cooperative ties with the Kobe Minimally Invasive Cancer Center and the International Clinical Cancer Research Center facilities adjacent to us that provide such services as hospitalization and chemotherapy, oral care, and insertion of metallic markers while our patients undergo proton beam therapy. This past year was one that saw many natural disasters, and I am relieved that we experienced little damage.
My staff and I are united in hoping to conduct even better medical treatment from here on out, and we look forward to your guidance and encouragement.